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Book Recommendations

Breath by James Nestor

It might seem peculiar to recommend a book on the science and art of breathing – surely this is something we simply sub-consciously do. Personally, I feel I’ve got a pretty good grasp of breathing and haven’t skipped too many breaths over the past 55 years! However, there were three combined elements which encouraged me… Read More
Book Recommendations

The Suitcase by Jan Daniels

Jan Daniels’ book, with the sub-title, One Woman’s Struggle to Save Herself, is compelling reading. She is a Geelong local and a writer who has written her book not only to chronicle her life and struggle but with an eye to the reader – especially other women – who may sorely (pun intended) need to… Read More
Book Recommendations

Kicking Out The Bucket List by Glenda Mitchell

This book written by Glenda Mitchell has a subtitle which reveals its essential tenet: Living Life With Intention and Passion. Certainly, I don’t think it is possible to read this book without being stirred to reflect, to look at one’s life intently and to decide, am I living it, or just thinking about it? Her… Read More
Book Recommendations

Pick Your Own Nose by Robert Boddington and Jack Robertson

I hope this book title grabbed your attention, as it grabbed mine.  This is a different type of book recommendation this month, and it is actually a recommendation of an entire series of six children’s books in the ‘Sleep with Kip’ range. This series of books has become my most gifted present for young parents… Read More
Book Recommendations

Whispers of Resilience compiled by Justine Martin

This collection of personal stories of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), compiled by Justine Martin — who also has MS – and released in 2023, is compelling reading. It not only provides a relatable and reliable means of telling their stories, but it also informs us about this unique condition from the individuals’ point of… Read More
Book Recommendations

Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

At my manifesto we are passionate about helping individuals and teams to live fulfilling and authentic lives. The work Sue and I are co-creating for our clients is deeply meaningful and purposeful to us. Our ongoing work is shaped by our personal experiences, our commitment to professional learning, and our enjoyment of reading widely. Matt… Read More
Book Recommendations

The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday

  Previously I have written a book recommendation on Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday as blog 84. I continue now writing one for The Obstacle is the Way, another of his Stoic Virtues series. To some extent, I feel that I am late to the table in discovering Holiday’s books, especially as I notice… Read More
Book Recommendations

Anam Cara by John O’Donohue

  As many of you will know, I have been blending travel and work over the past few months. This has included relishing the opportunity of spending significant time in Scotland, particularly in the Orkney Islands, the Isle of Skye, and Glencoe. As many of you will also know, I am a keen reader and… Read More
Book Recommendations

Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday

This is a rallying book which is part of the Stoic Virtues Series. Ryan Holiday is a philosopher and New York Times bestselling author. The book is packed with inspirational stories of courageous people throughout history – courage is defined as “honest commitment to noble ideals” – who responded to their call. He provides the… Read More